Hi Lovely Readers,
My name is Michelle and I have been a Personal Development Life Coach and Neuro Linguistic Practitioner over the last few years.
This is my very first blog and it is something that I have always wanted to do but never really known where to start.
I am married (second time around) with two wonderful grown up children, one who is self sufficient my son who has his own business, and a daughter who is at University and loving life and a step daughter who currently is studying in Hong Kong and two more step children living and working in London.
I now have an empty nest besides my dog Marley (BFF) and my very loving husband Nick. (Also my BFF)
As any mum and dad knows especially when they’re last child has flown the nest to pastures new, a brand new chapter starts not only for the children but for us parents.
After years of emotional and financial responsibility (which seems to carry on unconditionally) the laughter, arguing and loud music disappears and you think it was only yesterday that you were feeding them changing their nappies and enjoying free cuddles that didn’t involve eye rolling from the kids and a do you have to its so embarrassing.
As the saying goes “Where does the time fly?” before we turn around they have their own minds and they are out of that front door before you shout the words “And please be careful”. For some parents they are made to feel redundant ,life changes for everyone, so what next ? Well if you don’t have the constraints of time and its all yours for the taking then perhaps its time for a different direction. This may be in your career or if you haven’t worked whilst bringing the kids up then you may want to qualify in something you’ve always wanted to do and have had to put on hold. Perhaps a new hobby but not sure what, maybe more travelling well the world is your oyster.
Having a new direction in your life if your circumstances have changed can be very empowering, very positive and give you a new lease of life, after all if the kids are having fun then perhaps its time to let your hair down and do something for yourself.
As a life coach I help people to feel empowered in control and work out what will move them forward to a more fulfilling life. We all change over time , we change our perspectives, our self belief/self esteem changes and it is very important that we make the most of any change.
I can be that listening ear who encourages you and supports you and helps you make the most out of life.
Make the boohoo turn into a yahoo now that you have the chance to do what you want to do. Please don’t hesitate to contact me
Best wishes,
Michelle x
07961 430 522